Government  >  Departments  >  Labour

The Department of Labour, West Bengalaims atenhancing the quality of life of workers by providing social security,creating an environment that is conducive for investments in the State and at adherence to Acts and Rules that promoteproductive industrial relations. Regulatory parameters havebeen considerably reformed under the Ease of Doing Business in Bengal. The Department is steadfast in its endeavour towards making the delivery of services user-friendly and completely online by 2018.

Our Mission:
Ensuring growth of economy through harmonious and peaceful industrial relations, regulating conditions of work, health and safety of workforce, providing social securities to the workers and their family, enhancing employability through investment friendly measures and improvingthe utilisation of human resources on sustainable basis.

Our Core Functions:

  1. Regulatory : Better investment environment, easier norms and inspection procedures, faster delivery of services to business entities.
  2. Welfare : Promotion of Welfare and Social Security of workers, Maintenance of harmonious Industrial relations by resolving industrial disputes, Adherence to Laws, Rules etc. 
  3. Statutory : Implementation of Labour Acts, Rules and Procedures that protect workers’ safety and well-being.

Implementation of e-Governance in Labour Department
To make the delivery of services more effective, transparent and faster, the Labour Department has undertaken multiple initiatives to give boost to online service delivery through massive digitization endeavours under the Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) initiative, e-District (8 services), online submission in YUVASREE, Single Window for all Labour Law clearances and compliances and other services under various Acts being implemented by the Labour Commissionerate like Motor Transport Workers Act etc.

To ensure a holistic transformation of business environment that is conducive for investments, the Department has undertaken substantialsimplification of Labour Laws, Online availability of relevant information, developing aCommon Application Form for all services,Defining dedicated timelines for service delivery,Online service delivery (application, payment, processing, tracking, delivery of certificates/licences), Inspection Reforms (Computerized allocation of inspectors, Synchronized / Joint inspections, Self-Certification, Third Party inspections etc.), Creation of Online Single Window System etc. Additionally,the inspections are carried out with hand-held Tablet PCs (TABs) and reports are uploaded on Real-Time, reducing entire inspection cycle-time to ZERO. The Department has also introduced a star-rating based user feedback system for its end-users. Additionally, features and functionalities like Auto-escalation, Deemed approval and Single point Grievance Redressal mechanism will come into operation soon.

Samajik Suraksha Yojana (SSY):
The Samajik Suraksha Yojana (SSY) is an umbrella scheme of the Labour Department that has assimilated all the Social Security endeavours of the Department so far. It is estimated that about 10 million unorganised workers in the State would be covered by social security through this scheme. Each beneficiary would be given a Social Security Identity Number (SSIN) that would be displayed on his Samajik Mukti Card. Eventually the SSIN would be linked to the workers’ health, pension, education, insurance, skills and livelihood benefits under this scheme.

The salient points of SSY are as follows:

  • Social Security uniformity across all levels of unorganized workers
  • Comprehensive, Digitized and online database of almost 1 crore unorganized workers
  • Easy online registration with minimal physical touch point
  • Stringent De-duplication procedure to negate double or more entry intents
  • Unique Identification Number (SSIN) to each registered beneficiary
  • Minimal administrative costs and uniform coverage across all geographies
  • Transparency & Accountability
  • Easy availability of information through digitized interface.

The West Bengal Migrant Workers' Welfare Scheme, 2023, was introduced to promote online registration, grievance redressal, emergency assistance, and welfare measures for Migrant Workers' who are residents of West Bengal and have migrated to other states or countries for work.

The details of such migrant workers may be verified from the Karmasathi (Parijayee Shramik) portal by searching using their unique Migrant Worker Identification Number (MWIN), as each migrant worker is registered in the portal with a unique Migrant Workers Identification Number (MWIN).


Sri Moloy Ghatak

Address: New Secretariat Building, Block A, 12th Floor, 1 Kiran Sankar Roy Road, Kolkata 700001
Phone: 2262-7140,2262-7189
Fax: 2262-7141


Shri Avanindra Singh, IAS

Address: New Secretariat Building, Block A, 12th Floor, 1 Kiran Sankar Roy Road, Kolkata-700001
Phone: 2262-5845
Fax: 2262-5865

Nodal Officer

Sri Siddharta Sankar Chakraborty, WBCS(Exe), Special Secretary

Address: New Secretariat Building, 12th Floor, 1 Kiran Sankar Roy Road, Kolkata-700001
Phone: 2262-5805

Last updated on: Sunday, 31 December 2023
Information Source: Department of Labour, Government of West Bengal
  • West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Limited
  • Bengal Global Summit
  • West Bengal Map
  • National Portal of India
  • e-Governance Portal

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